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Packing and Moving Help

User/Rating: JoAnna Daum (0)
Location:Monterey, CA
Date Posted:Apr. 18, 2014
Available Until:May. 15, 2014
Gift or Share:Need to receive a gift

Hi Everyone, I will be moving on or around April 30th. I could use your encouragement and a helping hand with a storage unit filled with belongings I haven't seen in four years.  On the encouragement side, support "purging," decluttering paper and detaching from no longer needed stuff. On the helping hand side, help moving the remaining "stuff" either to a downsized storage unit or to my new location, whichever comes first. Minimal furniture, mostly small boxes. Dates - To be determined. Please let me know your availability from April 26 - May 15th. Phone: 831-601-0606 or email or respond through The Gifting Earth. Thanks abundantly! JoAnna

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