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Why should you join The Gifting Earth?

Within an Enlightened CommUnity, humans seek to have Win-Win relationships with each other. They believe in helping each other. They recognize their mutual INTERdependence. They know that sometimes they will need the help of others, and sometimes others will need their help. They choose to WORK TOGETHER and TRUST each other. Enlightened CommUnity is populated by synergists. Synergists choose to trust each other, and work together to solve their problems. Synergists see other humans as family, as brothers and sisters.

Synergy means working together — operating together as in Co-Operation — laboring together as in Co-Laboration — acting together as in Co-Action.

The goal of a synergic union is to accomplish a larger or more difficult task than can be accomplished by individuals working separately. We are committed to a world where I win, you win, others win and the Earth wins. Win-Win-Win-Win.

Synergists believe that you should, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." What is it that most of us want others to do unto us? Synergic scientists answer this question as follows: Help and support others, as you would wish them to help and support you.

Synergists are trying to heal the wounds inflicted by those who don't understand how the world could work. This then is the essential challenge to the synergists. Can we work together and act responsibly in time to save ourselves on this planet? ... Only by helping each other.

To help you help others ... I have designed a synergic mechanism for the gifting and sharing of human help.

This synergic (win-win) mechanism does not involve an exchange between members. It is not a barter system or "tit for tat" exchange system. Those individuals I help may never help me. I may never help those individuals who helped me.

It is also not charity.  A synergic gift is not a philanthropic gift. Philanthropy is defined as the act of donating money, goods, services, time and/or effort to support a socially beneficial cause, with a defined objective and with no financial or material reward to the donor.

I gift to others and trust that when I need help, others will gift to me. A synergic gift is given without condition to another member of the community to help them meet a specific need, but it is given with the expectation that when I need help, other members of the commUnity will step forward to help me. This expectation is based on trust, and only trust.

Why does The Gifting Earth work?

Because it is based on only one rule: Be Love

If you choose to Be Love then you can only Do Good, and you will discover that you Have Everything!

It is simple really, if you choose to BE unconditional LOVE, if you choose to DO only GOOD, you can then TRUST that others will choose to insure that you HAVE EVERYTHING that you want and need. However one important aspect of Doing Only Good is that you must also be as kind to yourself as you are to others within the community. So act with responsible generosity. Be as generous to others as you can be, but remember to take good care of yourself and your family. Do what feels right, but be responsible in your offers of time and resources.

Be Love, Do Good, Have Everything,

The Gifting Earth is based on a synergic mechanism called GIFTegrity, you can read more here:

How does The Gifting Earth work?

Help Library


1. How TGE works

2. Our Application to The Buckminster Fuller Challenge

3. What You Might Gift or Share

4. Ranking the Gifting Event

5. Q & A about TGE

6. Thoughts on Gifting



1. Introductory Overview

2. How to Find Gifts and Needs

3. Respond to Gift Request with Offer

4. Accept Gift Offer

5. How to Activate Gifting

6. How to Finalize Gifting