Book: Spiritual Laws of Superheroes

User/Rating: Timothy Wilken (2)  
Location:Carmel, CA
Date Posted:Apr. 7, 2013
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I have two near new copies to gift away. The full title is: THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUPERHEROES written by Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham.

The book uses the metaphor of comic superheroes to introduce younger readers to the principles of spiritual law. Here is an excerpt from a review by Janet Boyer on Amazon.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes are:

  1. The Law of Balance
  2. The Law of Transformation
  3. The Law of Power
  4. The Law of Love
  5. The Law of Creativity
  6. The Law of Intention
  7. The Law of Transcendence

To give you a taste of some of the BOFF! wisdom in this book, here's a few of my favorite quotes:

  • Superheroes understand that the moment they label or define themselves, they limit themselves.
  • In superhero lore, the shadow often appears as the supervillain, but don't be fooled. In truth, the supervillain is just the superhero who's been sabotaged by an imbalance in the self...Maintaining that you do not have a shadow is actually denial of it, or standing in total darkness, cut off from the world. If you stand in the light, as superheroes do, then you will always see your shadow. With this awareness, the bright light of higher consciousness can keep an eye on the shadow saboteur.
  • Superheroes like Silver Surfer don't just tap into the qualities of higher consciousness; they embody them. Like the great prophets, their selflessness comprises the highest ideals that we value as a civilization. When they look upon the world and everyone in it, they see themselves and ask, "How can I make things better?'
  • Superheroes don't have to solve all of life's mysteries, because they ARE life's mysteries. With his knowledge, superheroes learn to do less and accomplish more and ultimately do nothing and accomplish everything.
  • The superhero is independent of the good and bad opinions of others.

In less adept hands, correlating comic book heroes and mythological greats with practical self-help, spiritual truths and human actualization might result in a superficial mash-up of commercial (rather than cosmic) proportions. SPLATT!But not with Deepak and Gotham steering the galactic superhero ship! No, we get the best of comics and culture--yes, both commercial and cosmic--but this father/son team demonstrates how we can reinvent our individual and collective stories to awaken dormant excellence, activate latent skills, intend for a better future and then DO SOMETHING to make our world a better place.

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