Macintosh Training and Support

User/Rating: Dan Shafer (0)
Location:Monterey, CA
Date Posted:Apr. 14, 2013
Gift or Share:Gift to give away
Number Available:Unlimited
As of Date:Doesn't automatically expire

If you have a Macintosh computer with which you are having issues, I may be able to help. I make three one-hour slots available each week for members of The Gifting Earth to get help with their Macs.

I've been using, programming, supporting and loving Macs since the very first one came out. In fact, I wrote the first-ever book about how to program the Macintosh. You might say I'm a serious Mac fan; in my house we have four desktop Macs, one laptop, two iPads and 3 iPhones.

You can ask me to help via email or on the phone or by bringing your computer to my office near the Monterey Airport. 

If your Mac is whizzing along fine but you'd like to learn how to do something -- or maybe you have questions about how to do several things -- you can ask for one of my one-hour gifts for that as well. Again, you can use email, phone or my office. We can screen-share, too, if that turns out to be helpful.


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